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How to use staibless steel box grater ?

Pulished on Mar. 20, 2023

Stainless steel box graters are an essential tool for any home cook who wants to make their cooking experience more comfortable and enjoyable. Graters are used for shredding and grating foods like cheese, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. They are versatile, easy to use, and can be used for a variety of dishes. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use a stainless steel box grater:

How to use staibless steel box grater ?

Choose the right grater

There are different types of graters in the market, and it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. Box graters are the most common type and have four sides with different grating surfaces. Choose a grater with a comfortable handle and a non-slip base to make grating easier.

Clean the grater

Before you start using the grater, ensure that it is clean. Wash the grater with warm, soapy water, rinse, and dry it thoroughly.

Select the right side

Box graters have different grating surfaces on each side, which are used for different types of food. The side with the largest holes is used for grating cheese, vegetables, and fruits. The smaller holes are used for grating hard cheese, nutmeg, and chocolate. The side with a slicing surface is used for slicing vegetables like potatoes and carrots.

How to use staibless steel box grater ?

Prepare the food

Before grating, prepare the food by washing and peeling it. For cheese, cut it into a block that will fit into the grater. Vegetables and fruits should be cut into pieces that can be held securely while grating.

Grate the food

Hold the grater firmly on a flat surface and use the food holder to keep the food secure while grating. Run the food down the grater’s surface, using a downward motion. Be careful not to grate your fingers. When grating, use a firm pressure and take care not to overgrate the food.

How to use staibless steel box grater ?

Empty the grater

When the food is grated, lift the grater and tap it gently to remove any remaining bits. Alternatively, you can use a spatula to remove the food from the grater.

Clean the grater

After using the grater, clean it immediately to prevent food particles from sticking. Wash the grater with warm, soapy water, rinse, and dry it thoroughly.

Tips for using a stainless steel box grater:

1. For safety, use a food holder to secure the food while grating.

2.To prevent the grater from slipping, place a non-slip mat or a damp paper towel under it.

3. Grate food in a well-lit area to avoid injury.

4.Always wash the grater immediately after use to prevent food particles from sticking.

5.Store the grater in a dry place to prevent rust.

A stainless steel box grater is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of dishes. It’s easy to use, and with proper care, it can last a long time. By following the above steps, you can use your grater safely and effectively, making cooking a more enjoyable experience.