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Why does stainless steel kitchenware get rusty easily?

Pulished on Feb. 25, 2023

In general, stainless steel will not rust. However, if the stainless steel is used or maintained improperly, or the environment in which the stainless steel is located is too bad, the stainless steel may rust. When we see the yellow or orange rust spots on the steel surface, we can quickly confirm that it is a sign of rust. So how to maintain the stainless steel kitchenware?

Why does stainless steel kitchenware get rusty easily?
The maintenance method of stainless steel has been introduced in our previous articles. I won’t elaborate too much. If you want to know, just click that method. Today, I’d like to talk about why stainless steel kitchenware rusts.

Why does stainless steel kitchenware get rusty easily?

1.There are dust containing other metal elements or attachments of dissimilar metal particles on the surface of stainless steel kitchenware. In humid air, the condensate between the attachments and stainless steel connects them into a micro battery, which leads to electrochemical reaction and damage to the protective film, which is called electrochemical corrosion.

Why does stainless steel kitchenware get rusty easily?
2.The surface of stainless steel kitchenware adheres to organic juice (such as melons and vegetables, noodle soup, etc.), which constitutes organic acid in the case of water and oxygen. For a long time, the corrosion of organic acid on the metal surface will be reduced.