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Introduction to the selection and use of ceramic pots Introduction to the selection and use of ceramic pots

Pulished on Jul. 07, 2020

1.The use of fine-textured ceramic pots has many advantages. 

Ceramic pots have better airtightness and good internal circulation. The stewed food is easier to taste, and it is easy to boil some of the meat. The taste will be much better. While it has high airtightness, the ceramic pot as a ceramic kitchenware also has very good heat preservation. Because ceramic materials have a slow thermal conductivity and are easy to heat the food in the pot, ceramic pots are far better than other pot set products. In addition, as an all-natural ceramic pot, there is no radiation. But when choosing a casserole, it is best to choose a casserole with a fine texture.

Introduction to the selection and use of ceramic pots
porcelain soup pot

2.The way to choose non-toxic ceramic pots

In the past, ceramic pots were considered non-toxic kitchen utensils, but some truths have surfaced in recent years. Some ceramic pots may be poisonous. According to analysis, there are some ceramic pots with gorgeous appearance. The outer layer of glaze contains lead. If the temperature does not meet the standard during the firing process, and the glaze does not meet the standard, the finished ceramic pot may contain more lead. During food processing, when the food is in contact with the surface of the pots and pans, lead may be mixed into the food materials, and the food cooked in this way will seriously affect human health. Therefore, when choosing ceramic pots, we should choose ceramic pots with fine texture, smooth surface and bright color.

Introduction to the selection and use of ceramic pots
ceramic soup pot

3.Precautions when using ceramic pots for the first time.

Newly bought ceramic pots are also a little particular when they are used for the first time, so that ceramic pots can be used healthily. There are fine pores on the inner wall of the ceramic pot with a certain degree of water absorption, so fill the pot with clean water first, then leave it for 3 to 5 minutes, and then wash and dry the ceramic pot for use. It should be noted that the soaking time should not be too long . If you find that there is a lot of grit on the inner wall of the ceramic pot of the newly purchased cooking pot, you need to use a small brush to brush it off. When using a ceramic pot for the first time, it is best to use it to cook porridge or thick rice water can also cook noodle soup. This can block the fine pores of the ceramic pot to seep water, and there will be no noise when boiling water in the future.

Introduction to the selection and use of ceramic pots
porcelain soup pot

4.The precautions when using ceramic pots in normal use.

In the usual process of use, first put water in the ceramic pot and then put the ceramic pot on the fire to heat, first use a slow fire before using Big fire, otherwise it is easy to explode. The ceramic pot can be used to cook porridge and soup, but it can’t be used for cooking, otherwise the pot will burst easily. The ceramic pot should be handled with care to avoid collision and damage to the ceramic pot. In addition, do a good job of household maintenance, ceramic pots can not store wine, vinegar, acidic beverages and food to prevent erosion of the inner wall. When cleaning the ceramic pot, do not soak it with detergent or other chemical cleaning agents to prevent chemicals from penetrating into the pores of the ceramic pot. The washed ceramic pot can be stored only after the water is completely dry, otherwise the ceramic pot may grow black spot mold. Of course, when using ceramic pots, it is best to choose products from the top ten cooking pot brands list to ensure the quality of the pots and the deliciousness of the food.

Introduction to the selection and use of ceramic pots
ceramic soup port