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How to Keep Ceramic Pot in Good Condition

Pulished on Jan. 16, 2021

Ceramic pot is fragile goods. If you do not pay attention to careful usage in daily life and keep a good maintenance, its service life will be greatly shortened. So how to do the correct maintenance of ceramic pot? Today we will give some tips.

How to Keep Ceramic Pot in Good Condition

1.Usually when we use the ceramic pot, we should put water in the ceramic pot firstly, and then put the ceramic pot on the fire to heat, heating should pay attention to the beginning small fire for a period of time, and then only can turn to bigger fire, otherwise it will be easy to cause the ceramic pot crack.  

2.Please kindly note that the ceramic pot can be used for porridge or soup, but not for cooking, otherwise the pot body is easy to crack.  

How to Keep Ceramic Pot in Good Condition

3.When we use ceramic pot, it should be handled gently, in order to avoid collision and damage ceramic pot.

4.The ceramic pot cannot be stored with wine, vinegar, acid beverage and food. Or it will cause erosion to inner wall.

5.In daily cleaning, do not use detergent and other chemical cleaning agent immersion, so that it can avoid chemical substances into the fine hole of the ceramic pot.  

How to Keep Ceramic Pot in Good Condition

6.After washing the ceramic pot, we need to wait for its completed dry, then only can be stored, otherwise the ceramic pot may grow black spots.

7.Hot ceramic pot cannot be put directly on the table top, we should use heat-resistant thing pad tall firstly, so that the ceramic pot avoid to crack because of temperature difference inside and outside boiler wall.